
SAVE THE DATE: OCTOBER 2, 2021 – DuPage County Expungement Clinic

Please join me on October 2, 2021, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., at the 2021 DuPage County Expungement Clinic where I will be spending the day volunteering my time and sharing my knowledge to assist clients with the preparation of Petitions to Expunge and/or Seal and related documents. Volunteer attorneys, such as myself, will be not only assisting with document preparation, but more importantly, providing guidance on case eligibility for expungement or sealing relief, as well as information on the expungement (and sealing) process from start to finish.  This event will be held at the Administration Building in DuPage County, at 421 North County Farm Road, Wheaton, Illinois.  This event will very likely change lives for many people and I am proud to be able to participate alongside of the good folks from the Public Interest Law Initiative.

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